Thursday, November 13, 2014

Don and the Gopher, a Battle of Wills

I went out one morning and what did I see?  Right in our beautifully landscaped front area, the most wonderful little pile of dirt.  It was so perfectly formed, that one almost was afraid to touch it for fear it would just collapse.  It really was a work of art, and one could tell that it was the work of an industrious critter.

I  inquired of our neighbors if they too had been the recipients of these beautifully made piles of red dirt.  Low and behold they had and had found the perfect solution to these appearing on their property.  I was so excited, that I immediately went home and found Don and told him that it was an easy fix.  There are these little traps that you just stick down under the piles of dirt in their tunnels and amazingly that would take care of our little visitor.  Our dear neighbor said he would come over and between the two of them, they would set the trap and in a couple of hours, and at the most, over night all would be well.

A month or more later and many, many holes later we are still battling Sir Gopher.  He has made many, many of his wonderful creations all over our front property, including up our rock wall onto the dirt by the street.  Don will come in and say, the trap is no longer set, but no Sir Gopher and just to show us who is boss, another beautiful, perfect pile of dirt.   Don has had many ideas of what is wrong, as had our neighbor, but to no avail.  At this point we have to admire his determination and artistic ability and almost want him to continue to vex Don and all of his attempts to capture him.

It makes me think about how important it is to be industrious and persevere in spite of what others might do or think.  Just keep on keeping on.  Don't let anyone stand in our way, no matter what.  But we do have to be very clever.

I just told Don I was writing this blog and he said, Oh , I need to go out and check the trap. Personally, deep down I sort of hope Sir gopher has gotten away again.  He deserves it.  Don came in and here is what he caught......a rock.  He said, Sir Gopher put it there.  And life goes on for another day.