Saturday, August 6, 2016

Off to Pine Valley - Summer of 2015

How shocked we were recently when we were called to serve a six month, stay-at-home mission to the Pine Valley Chapel Historic Site, Pine Valley, Utah.

Seeing as how I know so little about the early pioneers that came to this beautiful area,   I certainly felt inadequate to once again represent my Heavenly Father and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I prayed hard for the Holy Ghost to be my constant companion as I greeted people coming to the Chapel for a tour.  I wanted to be an instrument in the hands of God to have them feel of my love for Him and the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I found that to be a huge calling.

Well, for some reason I did not publish this blog last year.  Here it is Summer 2016 and my experience at Pine Valley is complete.  It was a wonderful time, but also very difficult.  You wouldn't think that just one day - all day Saturday- could be so hard, but we would have as many as 150 people come to visit that day.  Telling the story of the chapel and the people during the time of the building of the chapel could get tedious. There were times that I would see someone smiling and I would say to them, "I already said that, didn't I"?  And they would laugh and we would all have a good laugh at Sister Glasgow.

But, very similar to our mission in Hawaii, as I look back I can see the hand of God and how he walked and talked with me each day I was there serving.  I was blessed with great health and a clear mind.  At my age, that is always a great, great blessing.

And so, another year has passed and I look at the picture on the wall of us on our mission plaque and am grateful for just one more blessing in my life.  Heavenly Father knows me, and loves me and needs me to serve for him.  I am his today and always.

6-23-19   Just decided to add a note to my blog and found that I had never published this one.  Never to late I guess. 

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